Facebook Sees “Unprecedented” Usage Growth During Lockdown

It’s fair to say a lot has changed since the UK’s first confirmed case of coronavirus at the end of January. As well as schools closing and the public events being cancelled, the Government has advised everyone to stay at home wherever possible.

That’s left most of us with a bit more time to ourselves. It seems many of us are spending some of that time on social media, with Facebook announcing new records in usage almost every day.

So, what will this change in social media usage could mean for businesses?

Social distancing and social media

With lockdown measures announced on 23rd March, social distancing has become the norm. As well as pubs, restaurants and non-essential shops being closed – and public events being cancelled – we’ve all been advised to stay home wherever possible.

Thanks to technology, that self-isolation doesn’t mean complete isolation from friends and family. People can now stay in touch by phone, video calls and of course social media. According to Facebook, that’s exactly what they’ve done…

Up to 70% more time spent on social media

In a post about keeping its services stable during the outbreak, the company confirmed that it’s seen “new records in usage almost every day” on its apps, which include Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Messenger. As well as a spike in calling and messaging services, that’s down to “more people using our feed and stories products to get updates from their family and friends”.

Those figures could grow even more in the UK over the coming weeks. In Italy, where lockdown measures are at their peak, Facebook reported up to 70% more time spent across apps. They saw messaging increase by over 50% and group calls by over 1,000%. On top of that, Instagram and Facebook Live views doubled in the space of a week.

What does this mean for businesses?

It’s fair to say businesses haven’t had it easy over the past few weeks. Many have been forced to close physical stores or even warehouses if they were deemed non-essential. Others have simply seen a decrease in sales with looming uncertainty from the virus.

However, the figures above suggest there could be something of an opportunity for those looking to regain momentum despite the unprecedented circumstances. Specifically, through social media influencers.

With Facebook announcing record-breaking usage of social media, there has never been a better time to promote your brand online. Social media influencers allow you to do this in a way that’s trusted by potential customers, with 4 in 10 Millennials  saying their favourite YouTubers understand them better than their friends, for instance.

Find your influencer

A pandemic is never going to be an easy time for any business. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. If you’re looking to use social media influencers to spread the word about your brand or your product, Find Your Influencer can help.

With a network of over 100,000 influencers in the UK, we can help pair your business with an influencer that fits your brands, appeals to your audience and generates impressive results. List your campaign on our job board and let the right influencers come to you.